Getting Ready for November 17, 2013
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Help with Memory Verses
Ephesians 1:4
A Song to Help You Learn the Verse:
A Game for you to play to practice the verse:
Exodus 14:14
This song talks about having a quiet confidence that God is the one who is in control. This is what Moses said to the people just before they crossed the Red Sea. Immediately after this, God told Moses to get the people moving. So we can see that the kind of stillness that is mentioned here does not mean a stillness of doing nothing. God did all the fighting in this situation, but the people still had to do a lot of moving to walk through the Red Sea and move out of Egypt. Sometimes that happens for us. God does the fighting but he still has work for us to do to get out of the problem situation.
Psalm 27:1
Here's a song that I wrote to help you with this.
And here are a few other things that you might find interesting.
This one is a dramatic reading of all of Psalm 27 with pretty pictures and background music. I don't much like this style of reading, but tastes differ. What do you think?
And this is someone singing the Psalm in Hebrew, which you might enjoy hearing. The translation is on the screen so that you can tell what she is singing as she goes along. This one probably won't work on an IPad.
Coloring Pages
Painting blood on the doorposts. |
Moses prays while a wind from God drives the waters back. |
The people walk through the sea. |
The people celebrate that God saved them. Moses sings. |
The people celebrate. Miriam leads the singing and dancing. |