Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Game for Key Memory Verse Psalm 23:1-3

This is a game to help you review Psalm 23:1-3.  Please try it out, and let me know what you think.  It sometimes takes a few minutes to load, be a bit patient.

Notice that there are mute buttons for the music and the animal sounds.  Background music frequently drives me nuts if I am playing a game, so feel free to use these.


  1. It was very fun! The sheep noises are quite funny.

    Rebecca K

  2. Hi Becky,
    I played your game and it was funny(and fun too)!

    Benjamin K

  3. Great website, Becky!

    Rebecca and Benjamin liked the worship song you chose, "Every move I make". They said it was catchy and makes you want to dance.
    They liked the memory verse game, too! We played it with the background songs off. That is a good option to have on there.


  4. Thanks for trying it out. The worship songs are the ones that they are using in Kid Zone.


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