Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lesson 1.12 God Will Have Victory: The Exodus, Part 2

Getting Ready for November 17, 2013

Next Lesson
     Exodus 14:14

Help with Memory Verses

Ephesians 1:4

A Song to Help You Learn the Verse:
A Game for you to play to practice the verse:
Exodus 14:14 
This song talks about having a quiet confidence that God is the one who is in control.  This is what Moses said to the people just before they crossed the Red Sea.  Immediately after this, God told Moses to get the people moving.  So we can see that the kind of stillness that is mentioned here does not mean a stillness of doing nothing.  God did all the fighting in this situation, but the people still had to do a lot of moving to walk through the Red Sea and move out of Egypt.  Sometimes that happens for us.  God does the fighting but he still has work for us to do to get out of the problem situation.
Psalm 27:1
Here's a song that I wrote to help you with this.
And here are a few other things that you might find interesting.
This one is a dramatic reading of all of Psalm 27 with pretty pictures and background music.  I don't much like this style of reading, but tastes differ.  What do you think?
And this is someone singing the Psalm in Hebrew, which you might enjoy hearing.  The translation is on the screen so that you can tell what she is singing as she goes along.  This one probably won't work on an IPad.

Coloring Pages

Painting blood on the doorposts.
Moses prays while a wind from God drives the waters back.
The people walk through the sea.
The people celebrate that God saved them. Moses sings.
The people celebrate.  Miriam leads the singing and dancing.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lesson 1.11 God Fights for His People: The Exodus, Part 1

Getting Ready for November 10, 2013

     Ephesians 1:4
     Galatians 5:1
Coloring Pages

The Story of Moses and the Plagues

Because we had a special day of prayer last week, we skipped the beginning of Moses' story.  Here is a video that will teach you about that and also talk about the plagues.  

If you want to see the story of Moses from the beginning, use this link:

If you would like to look at just the part of Moses' life that has to do with the first nine plagues, look at the movie by clicking on this link. You'll have to stop when they start talking about the 10th plague, which will be killing the first born sons.
And here's a shorter version of the whole story:

One more, something made by some children to review the plagues and Pharaoh's response to them.  There's a bit of a surprise joke at the end.  But this might give you some ideas.  How would you tell the story?

Help with Memory Verses

Ephesians 1:4

Here is the song for this verse

Deuteronomy 5:6 

One thing to think about as we consider this story is that even though we were never slaves in Egypt, who experienced God's deliverance by walking through the Red Sea, it is still a story that tells us something about the way God acts in our own lives.  This song reviews the memory verse, but also talks about what God does for you and me.

Galatians 5:1

This verse has been a favorite of mine for a very long time.  It is one of the first Bible verses I ever wrote a song for, though that was a different version of the Bible, and a pretty long time ago.  This song is new, just for you folks.

Why do you think we chose this verse for you to memorize with this week's lesson?

Coloring Pages

When Moses talked to Pharaoh, it made Pharaoh very angry.
When Pharaoh got angry he made life even worse for the Israelites.
God did a lot of terrible and scary things to the Egyptians.  One of them was turning their water into blood.
Another scary thing that God did was filling the land with frogs.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lesson 1.10 Prayer: A Special Time of Prayer

Getting Ready for November 3, 2013

     Ephesians 1:4
     Matthew 7:7
     Matthew 7:8

Help with Memory Verses

For Ephesians 1:4, you can still use the song I posted last time:

Matthew 7:7-8 are combined into a single song.  This is a traditional song, and the only thing I changed was singing the slightly different words for the NIV translation.  I put in some pictures to help you remember what the words are about.
Sometimes, the hardest part of remembering a verse is figuring out what order the big chunks go in.  There is a very simple trick for this verse, which has been around for a long time.  The order is A-S-K, spelling the word ask.  Ask, Seek, Knock.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Lesson 1.9 God Saves: Joseph, Part 2

Getting Ready for October 27, 2013

Help with Memory Verses

We have a new key verse this week. (I hope that by now you have all memorized the first part of Psalm 23, and are ready to move on to something new.  If you haven't, try playing this game or listening to the song.  I bet you'll learn it in no time.)

The new verse is Ephesians 1:4  I have a song for it now.  I hope to have a game for you to play ready soon.

I'm going to use a slightly different format for posting the song for Genesis 50:20. In my mind, this verse sums up the most important part of Joseph's response to the situation.  Now, most of the time, when people hurt us, they didn't really mean to do it.  They say something that hurts our feelings, or they accidentally destroy something we care about and it really was just a mistake.  But Joseph's brothers shoved him into a pit, sold him into slavery, and told his father that he was dead.  They meant to hurt him.
And sometimes there are people who mean to hurt you and me.  But I think I will sing this song most often to the devil.  He definitely wants to hurt me but nothing that he can do can take me out of God's love.  I want to remember that in my heart all of the time.

Here's a song for Psalm 68:20.  I think that this is the kind of thing that Joseph needed to remember in the midst of all that he was going through, though it hadn't actually been written when he was alive.

Coloring Pages

Joseph helping to organize places to store food.
Joseph as an important man in Egypt--he was the most important man except for Pharaoh.
Joseph's brothers bowing down before him, asking for the right to buy food from him.  Remember Joseph's dreams?  They don't recognize him yet, but he recognizes them.

Joseph did a lot to test his brothers before he let them know who he was.

All of Joseph's family--all the descendents of Jacob--coming down to Egypt so that they can have enough food to eat.

Joseph meeting his father Jacob after so many years.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Lesson 1.8 God Redeems: Joseph, Part 1

Getting Ready for October 20, 2013

      A Point of Interest

I went to an exhibit of Egyptian art, and I thought you might be interested in these two little models that were made thousands of years ago and put into an Egyptian's tomb.  The first shows Egyptians in a grain storehouse.  Notice the people keeping records in the other room.  The second shows Egyptian cows.  Do these cows look fat or skinny to you?

Coloring Pages

Joseph had a dream of sheaves of wheat bowing down to him.
Joseph had another dream about the sun and moon and stars bowing down to him.
Joseph's brothers threw him into a pit and then later sold him to become a slave in Egypt.
Pharaoh had a dream about fat cows and skinny cows.

Help with Memory Verses

Sorry, nothing yet for the bonus verses.  But the game in the last post will help you with the key verse, Psalm 23:1-3.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Game for Key Memory Verse Psalm 23:1-3

This is a game to help you review Psalm 23:1-3.  Please try it out, and let me know what you think.  It sometimes takes a few minutes to load, be a bit patient.

Notice that there are mute buttons for the music and the animal sounds.  Background music frequently drives me nuts if I am playing a game, so feel free to use these.

Lesson 1.7 God is Faithful: Jacob Wrestles with God

Getting Ready for October 13, 2013

Coloring Pages
Help with Memory Verses
     Psalm 23:1-3


Coloring Pages:


Jacob had a dream after he left home to get away from Esau.  He saw angels going up and down from heaven.

Jacob wrestled in order to get a blessing.

Help with Memory Verses

Here's a game to help with Psalm 23:1-3 Sorry, not help with the bonus verses this time around.